Covid-19 Update 2021
At the beginning of January, our caregivers had a window of opportunity to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. We are happy to report that about 30% of our caregivers were able to get vaccinated. We know that protecting them protects you as clients!
In an effort to help diminish the spread of this virus, we strongly encourage you and all our clients and staff to consider immunization. We suggest consulting with your personal physician to make this decision in regards to your personal needs and circumstances. The Utah County Health Department has now opened up immunization times for those who are 70+ and all previous groups. We have found that the slots usually come open after 7:00 p.m. most evenings and fill up very fast. You can check the Utah County Health Department website for further updates. Please reach out to us if you would like our assistance.
Dear Clients and Families,
Our top priority is the health and safety of our clients and employees. With the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the news, we want to share with you our protocol to minimize the spread of viruses, bacteria, and other serious bugs. We’ve always been careful and now we’re taking even greater measures to ensure the safety and well-being of your loved ones. Here’s what we are doing:
- Reminding our employees to wash their hands often for at least 15 seconds with warm soapy water, especially before and after helping clients with any food or personal care. We help our clients keep their hands clean as well.
- Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and objects which frequently get used by others. We like to use Clorox or Lysol wipes to wipe things down if you have any in stock. Otherwise, we’ll use warm soapy water to keep things bug-free.
- Proactively enforcing our Stay at home if you are sick policy. This goes for all of our employees because we know that our clients already have enough challenges and they are more vulnerable to all viruses, bacteria, and any other serious bugs.
- Asking employees and clients to always cover up any coughing or sneezing. And to stay away from sick people or others who have come in contact with people who might be sick.
- Strongly discouraging handshakes and the touching of mouth, eyes, and nose by employees and clients.
We remind our employees often of this protocol, especially during flu season and now even more with the coronavirus spreading. From what we’ve studied and been told, this virus is a lot like the respiratory flu virus (both in its symptoms and the way it spreads). We see no need to panic, but we want to stay alert, be smart, and keep our clients safe, healthy, and happy.
At Aspen Senior Care, we encourage the highest standard of health safety practices to ensure the health of both our employees and our clients. We have a great 15-year record of doing just that.
Please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions or additional suggestions at 801-224-5910.