Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response – March 24, 2020
Aspen Senior Care is taking extra precautions to keep our clients, caregivers, and office staff safe. This is our top priority at this time. We want to do all we can to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of our Aspen family. Here are the most critical steps we are taking:
1. Frequently reminding all employees to follow the important CDC guidelines. These include washing hands often for 20 seconds with warm soapy water, cleaning objects and surfaces often which are frequently touched, covering up any coughing or sneezing, not touching their faces or shaking hands with others, staying away from all sick people and practicing social distancing at all times.
2. Proactively enforcing our Stay home if you are sick policy. This goes for all employees who might be exhibiting any symptoms of respiratory illness, flu, or cold viruses.
3. Proactively screening all caregivers. We are calling and visiting with our caregivers often and screening them with the following questions:
- Have your recently traveled out of state or country or to any infected communities?
- Do you have any symptoms of respiratory infection such as fever, cough, or sore throat?
- Have you been in contact with anyone who has or is being tested for COVID-19 or are ill with respiratory illness?
- Are you aware of coronavirus spreading in the community where you live?
4. Asking all employees working with clients exhibiting any respiratory illness symptoms to call the office immediately and ask the client to contact their primary care physician ASAP. All caregivers will wear masks and gloves when working with any at risk clients.
5. Any employees who travel will first check with our office team before working. Those traveling to high risk communities, states, and nations must take 14 days off when returning home to monitor for symptoms of respiratory infection.
At Aspen Senior Care, we encourage the highest standard of health safety practices to ensure the health of both our clients and employees. We have a great 15-year record of doing just that. Please feel free to reach out to our office with any questions at 801-224-5910