
Health is important, but as you get older, it may seem harder and harder to manage. However difficult it might sound, it’s not impossible. No matter what age you are, don’t be afraid to take your wellness into your own hands and improve your health, and overall well-being.

If you are struggling to keep up with your overall health, then read on to learn how to get your health back on track! 

Focus On Physical Health

As you age, it is normal to slow down and become more inactive in your day-to-day life. It’s crucial, however, to keep up with your physical health to maintain your overall lifestyle. As you age, your metabolism slows, and your balance and flexibility decrease. Exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight, and strengthen your mobility. Now, staying on top of your physical health won’t always be a walk in the park, but start by creating a workout plan that fits your goals. Whether that is focusing on implementing more cardio or strength training by joining a senior fitness group, starting slow is still an important first step.

Check-in With Yourself

This year has been challenging for many, and if you are experiencing negative fluctuations in your mood then it can affect your overall well-being. As a senior, it’s essential to find positive ways to navigate your mental health. Start by identifying where you struggle; common mental health problems among seniors include isolation, dementia, and anxiety disorders. Once you are able to pinpoint your issues, then you can take the necessary steps to help improve your mental health. Engaging in hobbies or daily activities you enjoy can help you relax and lower anxiety. Playing brain games has been proven to improve memory function as they serve as a mental exercise. If you still find yourself struggling to improve your mental health, then talk to a loved one or your doctor. It’s never too late to prioritize your mental health, so check in with yourself. 

Image by THAM YUAN YUAN from Pixabay

Experiment With Telehealth

During these uncertain times, you might find it difficult to feel comfortable leaving your house, especially to go to visit your primary care provider. If you’re finding it harder than usual to make the trip, or are uncertain about leaving your house, consider looking into telehealth services. Telehealth services help provide convenient and timely access to a clinic or local doctor. Telehealth is also extremely beneficial as it minimizes your time in a waiting room, and can get you help right from the comfort of your own home. There is a wide variety of sicknesses that telehealth covers, from serious mental illness to blood pressure issues. Don’t let the fear of COVID-19 keep you from sticking to your monthly doctors’ appointments.

Notice The Changes

As you age you will experience changes in your body daily, and although some might just come with age, be aware of what they might mean. For example, erectile dysfunction is extremely common in senior men and can be treated with ED pills. ED can be a symptom of another serious underlying health issue, like type 2 diabetes or chronic kidney disease. This is why it’s vital you take note of the changes in your body and let your healthcare provider know. Understanding what’s normal when it comes to aging and what’s not will help you better comprehend the reg flags and treat them properly.

If you notice negative changes in your overall health- don’t sit around and wait. Seniors are at a greater risk for chronic health conditions such as the flu and COVID-19. Take action and get your health back on track today.

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Aspen Senior Care Contributor

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Weights, scale, and workout ball.

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Colder weather means most of us – especially seniors – will spend less time outdoors and more hours inside with windows and doors closed. That also means contending with stale air, or as experts call it, indoor air pollution.

Our cozy homes can emit potential health hazards from carpets, curtains, and all the synthetic materials found in a modern house. One way to counteract this silent pollution is with air purifiers. That can get expensive, with the commercial purifier for a single room costing $100 or more. A less expensive and more aesthetically-pleasing way is with — plants. It’s also an excellent way to bring the outdoors inside. After all, it’s the beauty of the outdoors that adds Utah’s high quality of life.

Yes, certain houseplants are natural pollution filters. NASA has discovered some houseplants are effective in controlling potentially noxious pollutants. After several tests, the space agency discovered, “Plant roots and their associated microorganisms destroy the pathogenic viruses, bacteria, and the organic chemicals, eventually converting all of these air pollutants into new plant tissue.”

NASA says plants can reduce up to 87 percent of toxins in your home within 24 hours. Aside from filtering pollutants, indoor plants can improve your health, reduce stress, help you breathe easier, and improve your mood. That’s a lot more than a $100 air purifier can do.

Here’s a sampling of plants proven to filter pollutants that can be harmful to your well-being:

1. Areca Palm

This big plant is the favorite of scientists for filtering toluene, a family of harmful substances found in glue, paint thinners, nail polish removers, and other common household products. It also acts as a natural humidifier and tolerates most indoor environments.

2. English Ivy

Pretty in a pot or hanging basket, this venerable favorite can grow with just a few hours of sun per day and can last for years. If you have a place in your bathroom, this plant is great for filtering pollutants specific to that room.

3. Chrysanthemum

This fall favorite will thrive anyplace where it can get good sun. It’s especially helpful in kitchens where it can zap toxins like benzines and ammonia, which are common in household cleaners.

 4. Aloe Vera

The darling ingredient of skin care products also doubles as a sieve for the harmful vapors of detergents and varnishes. Like mums, it prefers sunny locations.

5. Snake Plant (Mother-in-law’s Tongue)

Despite its unsavory names, this plant battles airborne chemicals and produces oxygen at night, making it a good choice for bedrooms. Don’t over-water it because it’s susceptible to root rot.

6. Spider Plant

If you’re all-thumbs-but-green, this might be the perfect choice because it grows with little care. It’s especially good at absorbing carbon monoxide and is one of the few houseplants that’s completely harmless to pets, so you can put it anywhere.

7. Peace Lily

This houseplant is as pleasing as its name implies, but wages war against carbon monoxide. Content as a pot-dweller, it requires minimal upkeep other than watering when its leaves begin to droop.

8. Rubber Plant

This has been an indoor favorite since great-grandma’s day. Because it grows tall, it’s excellent in a floor pot and can thrive in partial sunlight. The Rubber Plant bounces formaldehyde vapors, which are found in many household products.

9. Bamboo Palm

Resembling a giant palm/fern hybrid, this big beauty can filter a host of chemical vapors and does double duty as a natural humidifier.

10. Chinese Evergreen

This is a worker bee of a little plant that absorbs a number of harmful chemical vapors and gets better at it as it ages. It’s also easy to grow and is happy in low sunlight.

Most of these pollution fighters are at least mildly toxic to pets, so it’s important to choose locations with that in mind. Placed about your home, they can be a real comfort as you snuggle in for the winter!

Contributed by Eva Williams

Eva loves the outdoors. She loves it with a campfire and s’mores or après ski in a nice lodge with a glass of wine and has written about it for two decades.

Winter Survival Tips for Seniors and Family Caregivers

Winter can pose a dilemma for caregivers and families taking care of seniors. Sometimes seniors refuse to bathe because of the cold and once they become cold it often takes a longer time for them to warm up. Battling over the thermostat is also challenge for caregivers.  While family members may be sweating because it’s so hot inside, their elderly loved ones are struggling to stay warm despite the heat being up.

With this in mind, here are some winter suggestions for families and those caring for elderly loved ones:

  1. Turn up the temperature before bath time. Space heaters or overhead heaters are helpful and need to be used very carefully. Put towels over the toilet seat and use plush rugs over tile floors, always staying with your loved one to make sure they don’t fall.
  2. Poor circulation causes seniors to have difficulty regulating body temperature.  Heating pads, layered clothing, or microwaved bean or rice bags can help seniors stay warm.  Use supervision when applying these and make sure they aren’t too hot or directly on the skin.  Use heating pads with an automatic shut-off switch.
  3. Keep seniors hydrated.  Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean seniors need less water. It’s so important to keep seniors well hydrated. This also helps with poor circulation.
  4. Use good moisturizers. Skin can become especially dry during the winter.
  5. Be especially cautious when going outside.  If your loved one needs to go out, make sure someone can accompany them. It may be better to wait for a clear, dry day rather than risk falling.

slip_and_fallEvery family is different and will need to adjust conditions to what works best for them, but these are all important considerations when caring for our elderly loved-ones. At Aspen Senior Care we train our caregivers to be attentive to seniors’ safety and special care. We want our clients to feel comfortable and safe in their homes. Call us for more information on how we can help: 801-224-5910.