Preventing Senior Isolation

Growing old can be extremely difficult for many people, especially when they live on their own for so long. Some of the physical and mental changes that come with aging can be unbearable. They may try to ignore these symptoms, but they cannot hide from this reality. 

Their overall decline may lead them not to be able to live independently. They will have trouble with everyday activities and may even require the physical help of others to move about, bathe, or eat. It is important to have assistance because you know what your loved ones can and cannot handle on their own. Not only does this provide a sense of security, but it also provides happiness in their old age.

Having a loved one in the home doesn’t have to be a burden. With in-home care services, you can ensure that your loved one is safe and still maintain their independence. In this post, we’ll discuss situations where it is vital for an aging loved one to have 24-hour care from someone familiar with aging problems.


Aging can also cause a decline in mental and physical functions, leading to an increase in forgetfulness. It could manifest itself by causing your loved one to lose track of what they have bought. They might not even remember what they have already consumed. They may be unable to handle the frustration of running out of food, so they may go shopping more often than necessary and buy more than they can eat.

The extra food will end up spoiling, leaving them with nothing but an expensive mess when you check in on them. With the assistance of a reliable caregiver, you can help your loved ones continue doing their shopping, but at a slower pace than before. They will enjoy the experience more, and you will be able to save money by preventing them from overindulging. Caregivers can also prepare meals and help your aging loved one get the right amount of nutrition, helping them age well and maintain quality of life.


As your loved one ages, they may find it increasingly difficult to reach areas that are difficult to bathe. It can lead them to neglect important hygiene areas and eventually cause a decline in their health.

They might not be able to clean themselves properly because of their condition. If you see the signs of a smell that is more than just an odor from their food, this could indicate that your loved one needs more help bathing than they are currently getting. A caregiver can help with bathing and other activities such as dressing so you can ensure they stay healthy while allowing them to maintain some independence.


As your loved one ages, they may find it increasingly difficult to keep track of their finances. Many older people do not even realize that their bills are unpaid and might not have the money to pay their bills.

A reliable caregiver can help your aging loved one keep track of what is owed and what needs to be paid by offering other services, such as mailing and paying bills for them.


As your senior loved one age, they will likely have a harder time remembering how they got the house in the state in which it is currently. It could indicate that they need extra help staying organized inside the home and outside of it. You may notice that their once tidy house has become messy or disorganized, which can cause them to feel stressed, making cleaning take longer than before.

The assistance of a caregiver can help you ensure that your loved one can maintain their home and continue feeling at ease in their environment. A caregiver can help move things when needed and make sure the items are put away, ensuring that your loved one can maintain the life they once enjoyed.


As your loved one becomes older, their social circle may begin to shrink as time passes. They may have a hard time finding reliable friends and family members who will care for them, which could be hard on their mental state of mind and possibly lead to depression or isolation. It could be due to physical limitations related to age or health concerns.

The assistance of a caregiver can help your loved one continue socializing without needing to leave the comfort of their own home. You can call upon a caregiver to take them out for a lunch date, go grocery shopping, go to the park, or any other activity that keeps your loved one engaged with those around them.


You may not be able to prevent your loved one from aging, and you may not be able to reverse the effects of aging, but you can make sure that they age with dignity, without any undue suffering. A professional caregiver can help your loved ones maintain their independence, remain in a safe environment and maintain their dignity as they age. You can also ensure that they have enough daily assistance when needed by having a caregiver regularly check in on them.

Author bio

Andrea Gibbs is the Content Manager at SpringHive Web Agency, a company that offers web design services, maintenance, and Internet marketing. She specializes in content marketing, social media, and SEO. She also serves as a blog contributor at Serenity Senior Care. She’s an avid personal development enthusiast and an expert in the field of health and fitness. When she’s not writing she can be found running hills or hiking trails, rooting for her favorite team (the Pittsburgh Steelers), or watching a good Netflix series.

Health is important, but as you get older, it may seem harder and harder to manage. However difficult it might sound, it’s not impossible. No matter what age you are, don’t be afraid to take your wellness into your own hands and improve your health, and overall well-being.

If you are struggling to keep up with your overall health, then read on to learn how to get your health back on track! 

Focus On Physical Health

As you age, it is normal to slow down and become more inactive in your day-to-day life. It’s crucial, however, to keep up with your physical health to maintain your overall lifestyle. As you age, your metabolism slows, and your balance and flexibility decrease. Exercising regularly can help you maintain a healthy weight, and strengthen your mobility. Now, staying on top of your physical health won’t always be a walk in the park, but start by creating a workout plan that fits your goals. Whether that is focusing on implementing more cardio or strength training by joining a senior fitness group, starting slow is still an important first step.

Check-in With Yourself

This year has been challenging for many, and if you are experiencing negative fluctuations in your mood then it can affect your overall well-being. As a senior, it’s essential to find positive ways to navigate your mental health. Start by identifying where you struggle; common mental health problems among seniors include isolation, dementia, and anxiety disorders. Once you are able to pinpoint your issues, then you can take the necessary steps to help improve your mental health. Engaging in hobbies or daily activities you enjoy can help you relax and lower anxiety. Playing brain games has been proven to improve memory function as they serve as a mental exercise. If you still find yourself struggling to improve your mental health, then talk to a loved one or your doctor. It’s never too late to prioritize your mental health, so check in with yourself. 

Image by THAM YUAN YUAN from Pixabay

Experiment With Telehealth

During these uncertain times, you might find it difficult to feel comfortable leaving your house, especially to go to visit your primary care provider. If you’re finding it harder than usual to make the trip, or are uncertain about leaving your house, consider looking into telehealth services. Telehealth services help provide convenient and timely access to a clinic or local doctor. Telehealth is also extremely beneficial as it minimizes your time in a waiting room, and can get you help right from the comfort of your own home. There is a wide variety of sicknesses that telehealth covers, from serious mental illness to blood pressure issues. Don’t let the fear of COVID-19 keep you from sticking to your monthly doctors’ appointments.

Notice The Changes

As you age you will experience changes in your body daily, and although some might just come with age, be aware of what they might mean. For example, erectile dysfunction is extremely common in senior men and can be treated with ED pills. ED can be a symptom of another serious underlying health issue, like type 2 diabetes or chronic kidney disease. This is why it’s vital you take note of the changes in your body and let your healthcare provider know. Understanding what’s normal when it comes to aging and what’s not will help you better comprehend the reg flags and treat them properly.

If you notice negative changes in your overall health- don’t sit around and wait. Seniors are at a greater risk for chronic health conditions such as the flu and COVID-19. Take action and get your health back on track today.

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Aspen Senior Care Contributor

What is a Memory Care Facility?

Memory care is a special kind of care for seniors with memory issues like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Many communities worldwide offer special services to meet the needs of individuals dealing with the effects of memory loss.

There are different types of memory care options. AARP states, “Many assisted living facilities, continuing care retirement communities, and nursing homes have special memory care “neighborhoods” for dementia patients. There are also stand-alone memory care facilities.” Another option for memory care is a senior day care center like Aspen Senior Day Center in Provo, Utah, which offers memory care services throughout the day but still allows seniors to remain in the comfort of their own homes. 

Professional staff help residents with activities of daily living and help manage medication, provide meals, transportation, housekeeping, and other social activities. Memory care units maintain a higher staff-to-resident ratio than a typical senior living community. The staff is trained in caring for dementia patients, and common areas and units are protected with an access code to avoid wandering.

Memory Care Facilities

  • Special staff training to meet the mental and emotional needs of residents.
  • Intense supervision and safety protocols to prevent wandering.
  • Good staff to resident ratio.
  • Uniquely designed living spaces to ease agitation, anxiety, and disorientation.
  • Safety features like an emergency call system and alarmed doors.
  • Simple navigation and building layout to avoid confusion.
  • Social programs and activities to encourage socialization.
  • Secure fences, gardens, and courtyards for sensory stimulation and exploration in a safe space.

What is In-Home Care?

Many seniors wish to spend their later years at home surrounded by the companionship of their loved ones. For many seniors, in-home professional care may offer practical help along with peace of mind. In-home care allows seniors to remain comfortably in their own homes while receiving aid from professional caregivers. It’s also a cost-efficient option for family caregivers to receive additional respite care.

In-home care caregivers offer help with activities of daily living or “ADL’s.” The intensity of care may vary based on the senior’s needs. Typically care can range from a few hours a week spent preparing meals and housekeeping to round-the-clock supervision.

 In-Home Care 

  • Assistance with ADLs like bathing, personal care, dressing, and more.
  • Ongoing caregiver and family companionship and assistance.
  • Ease of transportation to appointments and everyday errands.
  • Help with housekeeping, dishes, and laundry.
  • Respite care for family caregivers. 
  • Specially trained caregivers who can help seniors dealing with memory loss.

How to Choose Between In-Home Care and Memory Care Facility? 

Consider how much care and help is available in the senior’s home and how much additional support is needed. It’s good to jot down a list of things your elderly loved one needs help with on a weekly, monthly, and daily basis. These notes will help you see the bigger picture to pick the right level of care. Be realistic about how much your family members and friends can help. Keep in mind the long-term, ongoing care during this stage.

Once you’ve drawn this comparison, you’ll have a better idea of how to proceed. Sometimes, creating this list clarifies that in-home care might be the best option. However, there are times where picking from memory care facilities for seniors is a clear choice. So, before you go ahead with either of these living arrangements, you should weigh their offered services along with critical pros and cons.

In-home care

The most significant advantage of in-home care is that seniors get to live out their days with family and friends in the safety of their own homes.


  • Tailored care based on the senior’s personal preferences and needs. Even the most luxurious senior living communities do not give the same one-on-one attention that a home care agency can provide.
  • The ability to stay at home surrounded by familiar faces as they age.
  • Cost may be flexible based on the hours of necessary care.
  • You get to pick the caregiver based on their credentials, competence, and personality fit to the senior.
  • Seniors develop a personal bond with the caregiver rather than working with multiple caregivers.
  • There’s more room for flexible care arrangements. For example, caregivers can help at different times throughout the day or week to help with specific needs like meals, showers, or errands. 


  • The cost can be considerably high if you need around-the-clock care.
  • Social isolation is a potential issue as seniors may not interact with peers. Isolation could fuel cognitive decline, health issues, and even depression.
  • You may have to modify the home to ensure safety, such as wheelchair accessibility, potential fall risks, etc.
  • You will have to take care of home maintenance and personal care while regularly stocking household supplies and groceries.

Memory Care

Memory care communities are designed to promote safety and avoid wandering clients. There are caregivers with special training and memory-specific therapies to promote cognitive health.


  • Seniors receive 24/7 care.
  • Special community programs and activities to improve quality of life.
  • The living arrangements are comfortable, safe, and welcoming. They are uniquely customized to avoid confusion and disorientation.
  • Several memory care units deploy therapies and technology to ensure positive stimulation so that residents can thrive.
  • Seniors get to interact with people of their age every day. Peer interaction prevents isolation and depression.
  • Family members can visit their loved ones to offer ongoing support.


  • Based on the facility and the level of care required, the cost can be considerably high. Some luxury memory care facilities can cost upwards of $10,000 per month.
  • Often the transition from moving out of the home to memory care be overwhelming and stressful.
  •  It may be challenging to convince seniors to move from their homes.
  • No two communities are the same, which means you would have to do a large amount of research to pick the right fit.

Understand Your Financial Situation 

Sometimes, the cost of living arrangement is the single deciding factor regarding which option may be the best fit. 

The cost of regular memory care can be considerably high. For instance, it costs upwards of $6000/month to receive memory care in some states. In terms of in-home care costs, Genworth reported the cost of in-home in 2020 to be around $4500 for 44 hours/week.

The best way to understand the actual pricing for different living communities is to compare some of your top choices. You might also want to work with a financial planner to get a more accurate picture of a feasible option. Once you have a full-fledged comparison between the two, you will know which option is the best fit. 

Final Thoughts

When it comes to picking a suitable living situation for your loved one, knowledge is vital. So, ask around and do thorough research, read reviews, and ask for professional advice.

By Holly Klamer

Aspen Senior Care Contributor

For seniors, the benefits of aging at home are undeniable. The comfort and independence home provides can be one of the greatest assets to an aging senior’s health. But aging in place can be difficult if a senior’s needs are not being met, leaving families questioning the safety and happiness of their loved one and provoking stress and added anxiety. Fortunately, there are many ways to support seniors aging at home and ensure they remain happy and independent for as long as possible.

To help ensure that a senior’s needs are being met, think about the kinds of support and the level of care a senior might need. Since everyone’s circumstances are different, it’s important to discuss health factors and living accommodations before making any final decisions about aging in place. For seniors who choose to age in place, the underutilized support offered by in-home care services can be the best option for seniors seeking comfort and happiness at home.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

The Value of Aging In Place

The emotional value of having your own home is a significant motivating factor for many older adults. It also has a substantial impact on an elderly adult’s quality of life. When seniors age in place, they feel motivated and are happier within their familiar surroundings— Adding continuity and feelings of safety when going about their daily schedules and routines. However, as we continue to age, daily life can become full of frustration and anger as once more straightforward tasks are harder to accomplish. But if a senior aging in place enlists the help of another family member or in-home health caregiver, they can receive help and support while still maintaining more of their independence.

Seniors who age at home also benefit from less overall exposure to illness. Unlike an elderly person’s home, senior living communities tend to spread illness more rapidly. This is because of the increased number of people in proximity to each other. If illness strikes, seniors aging in place can choose their level of cautiousness when going out into the community while also having the benefit of knowing their in-home care specialist will be there for them if needed.

Why Seniors and Family Caregivers Choose In-Home Care Options

Plain and simple, in-home care can be customized to fit many non-health-related needs. Not to mention, in-home care offers a variety of benefits for different kinds of people— Whether for healthy aging, managing a chronic illness, recovering from surgery, or living with a disability.

Home caregivers can provide elderly adults with help and support with many personal and caregiving needs including:

  • Help with nutritious meals
  • Local transportation/errands
  • Medication reminders
  • 24-Hour care
  • Cognitive and social stimulation
  • Assistance with activities for daily living

In-home care provides a wide range of services and is customized depending on a senior’s wants and needs. Remember that it’s always important to hire an in-home caregiver that can provide the necessary type of care before making any concrete decisions.

A Healthy and Safe Environment

It’s not uncommon for a senior’s home to need modifications to provide a safe and manageable living environment. With the help of an in-home care specialist, seniors benefit from comfort and customization to create a safe, healthy environment.

Depending on a senior’s level of care, lifestyle, and personal or health needs, creating a safe living environment at home can be reasonably inexpensive. Traditional measures taken to develop an age-friendly home may include:

  • Use of non-slip flooring
  • Installation of a curbless shower
  • Replacing narrow doorways to at least 36’’
  • Better outdoor lighting

The available options for senior home care modifications and equipment are generally easy to come by and are often readily available.

According to AARP, about one-third of homeowners expected their homes to need significant modifications to accommodate aging needs. Around 24% of adults aged 50 or older said they planned to relocate rather than change their existing homes. But the choice to add additions to a home, plan big home improvement projects, or downsize to a new home to fit your needs is a highly personal one. Whatever options a senior or family caregiver chooses, remember that safety is always a priority to age safely at home.

Respite For All

Families caring for aging loved ones often struggle to balance work, family responsibilities, and caregiving duties. Adult Day Care programs are an excellent opportunity to provide respite for family caregivers and a fun, engaging, safe place for seniors to spend some time during the day. Adult Day Care facilities are great places for seniors who require assistance with activities of daily living during the daytime hours. While at respite, seniors are provided meals and offered numerous recreational activities, returning home in the afternoon or evening. In addition, many adult day centers specialize in providing care for seniors with Alzheimer’s or other types of Dementia. While a loved one is away on respite, family caregivers can get some rest of their own by running errands, performing some self-care, or attending a caregiver support group.

An Affordable and Content Quality of Life

No matter how a loved one ages in place, the cost of living at home is significantly lower than that of other senior living arrangements. After all, if you are living comfortably, safely, and healthy at home, moving to a facility is an unnecessary burden. If you’re not sure about your financial options for in-home care costs, some funding options available from companies similar to Aspen Senior Care for caregiver services are:

Long-term care insurance – If you have a long-term care insurance policy, it will often pay for the care provided by Aspen Senior Care. Since each policy is unique, please talk with your insurance company to verify coverage. Aspen Senior Care has a Long-Term Care specialist in the office and can help you file your claims.

VA Pension Benefit – Veterans who qualify can get a monthly pension to help pay for our services in some states.

Private Pay – Companies like Aspen Senior Care accept personal and business checks as well as cash, debit and credit cards.

To learn more about in-home care services and other common questions, visit Aspen Senior Care’s FAQ page.

In-home care is an invaluable asset to seniors wishing to age in place. For more information on the value of home care for seniors and other helpful resources on healthy aging, see these resources below:

— Aspen Senior Care Contributor

What Is Respite Care?

Respite care for the elderly is any service that supports and maintains the primary caregiving relationship by providing temporary care to an aging parent, spouse, or loved one.

If you’re the family caregiver for an aging loved one, you may be experiencing some form of stress or burnout. It’s natural for family caregivers to become so involved in taking care of someone else that they tend to allow their own needs to get put aside.

This is why respite care is so important for caregivers. As the number of caregivers increases— and there are already an estimated 34.2 million caregivers in the country today—the number of people suffering from exhaustion, stress, isolation, depression, and physical ailments is also rising. This is no coincidence. Primary caregivers need to recognize that they deserve a break from their responsibilities to take care of themselves, too. And taking some time away from caregiving duties will make the person a better caregiver in the long run.

Many family caregivers feel guilty at the thought of seeking respite services for their loved ones. A recent survey of caregivers by the National Family Caregivers Association showed that it’s challenging for spouse caregivers to acknowledge that their role is different and separate from their role as a spouse. Caregivers need to acknowledge that caregiving plays a totally separate part in their lives and that the job of long-term caregiving can be too big for just one person to handle.

Finding Relief in Respite Care

The benefits of respite care are numerous for family caregivers. Taking time away from caregiving demands will leave a caregiver refreshed and renewed, allowing them the opportunity to re-energize to be a more effective caregiver. Caregivers deserve time for activities they enjoy, whether it be reading, gardening, taking a walk, taking in a movie or museum, or whatever relaxes and eases the caregiver’s spirit. It’s also important for family caregivers to maintain social relationships with friends and other family members to avoid isolation and depression. And caregivers may need time to take care of personal errands such as seeing their own doctor or possibly attending a support group with other caregivers.

Ideally, caregivers will have regularly scheduled breaks provided by help from friends or other family members. However, if that support is not available to the caregiver, various respite care options are available. Respite care services are offered through community agencies, home health care companies, and residential care facilities. A good place to start in the U.S. is the Eldercare Locator, a free nationwide toll-free service designed to assist older adults and their caregivers find services in their community. Additional resources are local senior centers, Area Agencies on Aging, and the Family Caregiver Alliance.

Companies like Aspen Senior Care in Utah Valley, UT, can be a great option for family caregivers needing respite. Aspen provides:

⦁ Caring companionship
⦁ Personal hygiene care and showering
⦁ Homemaking assistance and light housekeeping
⦁ Meal planning and preparation
⦁ Transportation and help with errands
⦁ Medication reminders and assistance
⦁ Family caregiver coaching
⦁ Alzheimer’s and dementia care
⦁ Respite, night care & holiday care
⦁ Hospice care (non-medical)
⦁ And much more!

During a free assessment, Aspen will:

⦁ Discuss matching you with the best caregiver
⦁ Assess your loved one’s personal care needs
⦁ Determine health care, medication, and nutritional needs
⦁ Discuss emergency response services
⦁ Determine homemaking and transportation services
⦁ Discuss service costs and payment options
⦁ And, Create a quality care plan for your loved one

It is also ideal for family caregivers to create space in their home solely for themselves, whether that be a reading nook or an extra bedroom. Caregivers are advised to designate time every day, such as while the care receiver is taking a nap or when they first go to bed — something just for themselves.

Before planning respite care, caregivers should talk with their loved one about it so that they understand the benefit to both.

Remember that respite care should not be considered a luxury but a necessity for the caregivers’ well-being and their aging loved ones.

Contributor for The Senior’s Choice

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For many older adults, mobility limitations, health issues and low energy can keep them from the social engagement they once enjoyed. Especially in seniors who live alone, social isolation can lead to loneliness, depression and poor physical health. Pet therapy has been shown to benefit seniors by improving depression and anxiety symptoms, increasing self-care, and even improving heart-health. It turns out giving and receiving unconditional love is literally good for your heart.

Proven Benefits of Pet Companionship

The Pets for the Elderly Foundation, a nationwide charity committed to connecting seniors with therapy animals, has collected research on pet therapy for seniors. These studies discuss the physiological and psychological impact of animals on seniors’ quality of life. Here are their findings:

Physical Benefits

Heart Health—Frequent interaction with a pet can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Improved Activity—Walking, grooming or playing with a pet increases the frequency of physical activity and exercise, which in turn has countless health benefits.

Healthy Behavior—Those who own a pet tend to take better care of themselves. Caring for a pet helps to develop a routine, encouraging owners to eat regularly or complete chores and other tasks.

Social & Emotional Benefits

Increased Interaction—Walking a dog gets senior owners out of the house and increases their opportunities to socialize with neighbors.

Decreased Loneliness—Pets provide companionship, giving isolated seniors a source for affection, conversation and activity.

Stress Relief—Being with a pet increases levels of serotonin, the “feel good” hormone that relieves stress. It also provides physical contact, which helps to calm anxiety.

Better Self-Esteem —For seniors discouraged by their age, appearance or limited abilities, pets are welcome company, reminding seniors that they are still capable of being loved and needed.

Sense of Purpose—The company of an animal provides a reason to get up in the morning. Pets combat depression symptoms by eliminating feelings of worthlessness or helplessness. Knowing that they are loved and needed enhances seniors’ mental health.

Things to Consider Before Getting a Pet

If you think your loved one would benefit from owning a pet, ask yourself these questions to help you make a wise decision:

What is the best choice for a pet? If your loved one has trouble walking or is more limited in their ability to provide constant attention to a pet, a cat might be a better choice than a dog.

Is my loved one an experienced pet owner?

Taking on the responsibilities of owning a pet could be overwhelming for a senior who has never had one before.

Photo by Snapwire from Pexels

Are finances an issue? Consider your loved one’s financial situation. Animal care can be expensive, and if your loved one is on a fixed income, owning a pet could cause financial burdens. Assess the costs before you commit.

Choose the right pet. Do your research to find a pet whose age, size, personality and energy level fit well with your loved one’s.

Could I adopt an animal in need? Older animals in shelters have a lower adoption rate than puppies or kittens and have a greater risk of being euthanized. Adopting an adult, healthy pet for your loved one can eliminates the stress of training, match your loved one’s energy level and save the life of a loving animal.

By Caren Parnes

For the Senior’s Choice