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Signs your Aging Parents Need Help

Age has a way of sneaking up on everyone.  Your parents may have seemed fine the last time you saw them but on the next visit, some things just didn’t seem right, even though your dad was insisting they were fine.

Physical and mental decline can happen so gradually it’s practically unnoticable, but as these small signs become more apparent, families may be able to make some changes now that will prevent serious problems from happening later. Some signs to look for:

  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Spoiled food in the fridge or food left out on the counter
  • Cluttered or dirty house
  • Changes in mood
  • Weight loss
  • Unexplained bruising
  • Wearing soiled clothing
  • Broken appliances
  • House and yard are in need of care
  • Dings or scratches on the car
  • Forgetting appointments
  • Confused when doing regular, routine tasks.
  • Trouble getting up or down from a seated position
  • Unopened mail or late payment notices
  • Medication taken in correctly or not at all.
  • No interest in things that they used to enjoy doing
  • Losing things or getting lost

kitchen-clutter-300x214Seeing some of these signs gives you the opportunity to talk about how your parents are really doing, see if they need medical help or just help around the house with cleaning or meals being prepared. It’s sometimes difficult for elderly parents to ask for help. They have been independent all of their lives and have always taken care of themselves and others, including you.  Now it may be time for you to gently and candidly address some of these observations and see if you can help find some solutions. Once the conversation has begun, it may actually bring some relief and peace of mind to them.download

Aspen Senior Care has options for in-home care and information on other services available to help seniors living at home stay safe and cared for. Give us a call at 801-224-5910.