Debbie Booth with Adult Protective Services (Utah) provides our caregivers with training on the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Vulnerable Adults.
What does “abuse” mean? Abuse can refer to any situation in which someone who has more power hurts someone with less power. It may include:
- Verbal Abuse — saying mean or cruel things to you.
- Physical Abuse — hurting you intentionally.
- Emotional Abuse — hurting your feelings intentionally, scaring you, or deliberately making you feel guilty about matters you cannot control.
- Sexual Abuse — inappropriate touching or speaking about sexual matters.
- Neglect — withholding things that you need (inappropriately) or refusing to take you to the doctor when you need to go.
- Exploitation — taking advantage of you, your money or belongings.
It is important to know that reporting elder abuse in Utah is mandatory. You can describe and report the current situation of Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation, or Self Neglect and choose to remain anonymous if you desire.