At a recent Aspen Senior Care in-service caregivers learned the importance of recognizing stroke signs early. According to the Centers for Disease Control, stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. Learning to recognizing stroke signs and and the symptoms of tertiary ischemic attack (also known as mini stroke or TIA’s) can help increase the chances of survival and limit side-effects.

Symptoms of stroke can differ in men and women.
Aspen trains new caregivers to recognize stroke symptoms and understand the procedure in place to handle this situation. We hold a yearly in-service training on stroke and it’s symptoms because it is so important to be clear on what to do if symptoms are noticed. Caregivers are the eyes and ears of our clients and their families. They see first hand subtle changes in health or personality that family members may not be aware of.
When a client is experiencing stroke symptoms it is crucial to get medical attention as quickly as possible. If treatment can begin within 3 hours of symptoms appearing, there is a greater likelihood of recovery from the effects of a stroke.
Men and women often experience stroke symptoms differently, according to an article at Clinical Advisor. Many seniors don’t realize they may be having a stroke until it is too late. This is where we as caregivers can help clients and family caregivers by observing and educating them about these symptoms.
If you aren’t sure, ask these questions:
- FACE – Has the face fallen on one side? Can they smile?
- ARMS – Can they raise both arms and keep them there?
- SPEECH – Is their speech slurred?
- TIME to call 911 if you see any one of these symptoms.

Remember to act FAST when you see sings of stroke.
At Aspen Senior Care we provide quality training for our caregivers which leads to quality in-home care for our clients. Visit our Facebook page to see some of the exciting things we are doing and learning.