When doctors began studying Alzheimer’s it was initially thought that age-related memory loss was an early indication of Alzheimer’s but in a study performed at Columbia University Medical Center, researchers were able to confirm that age-related memory loss and Alzheimer’s were two distinct conditions. In this particular study they also discovered a possible reason for age-related memory loss and that this condition might be reversible!
The study, led by Nobel laureate Eric R. Kandel, MD, found that a “ deficiency of a protein called RbAp48 in the hippocampus is a significant contributor to age-related memory loss and that this form of memory loss is reversible”.
Dr. Pavlopoulos of the research team, in talking about an experiment that involved increasing this protein in aged mice, said, “We were astonished that not only did this improve the mice’s performance on the memory tests, but their performance was comparable to that of young mice,”.
While research is on-going and more needs to be done, this is encouraging and advancements are being made all the time in learning more about the brain and how aging effects it.
To read about the study more in-depth go to Alzheimer’s Weekly.
Aspen Senior Care is dedicated to improving the lives of seniors in our community! We do this by providing quality in-home care and day center programs, and helping seniors and their families connect with support groups, health services and other resources in the community. If you are in need of assistance or have any questions, please give us a call at 801-224-5910 or visit our website at aspenseniorcare.com. We also have services in Salt Lake County. Visit our Facebook pages – Aspen Senior Care, Aspen Senior Center and Aspen Activity Day.