Tory Gali

Tory Gali | Aspen Senior Care
Office Specialist

I joined Aspen’s office team over 5 years ago. I previously worked at BYU in Financial Services as a receptionist and in the Honors Program as a personal assistant to the Associate Dean for many years. More recently I worked at Target as a Team Leader in the Human Resources Department. I greatly enjoy working with all of the caregivers here at Aspen and learning more about them. I also love hearing about our amazing and inspiring clients. They are such an example of courage for me. There is such a positive feeling of support and friendship in the office that extends through the caregivers to the clients.

I love spending time with my family – 9 children and 25 grandchildren. They keep me entertained with all of their activities and various personalities. There is never a dull moment at my house! I also enjoy reading all different kinds of books and going to the movies.

The information I have learned at Aspen has helped me understand and have more compassion for my own parents as they grow older. I feel more prepared to help them meet the challenges they are facing.