Communication and Dementia
Communication is a key part of every person’s day, but seniors with various types of dementia may have a difficult time communicating their needs and feeling comfortable around people who may be unfamiliar to them.
It is important to be aware that the way we communicate with seniors needs to be handled with care and awareness. By learning the best way to approach, we can help them to feel understood and contented in many different situations.
Below are many different ways of communicating which you can practice with a senior or loved one dealing with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.
Connect – Always use this sequence for CUES:
- Visually- show
- Verbally- tell
- Physically- touch
Basic skills to develop when working with people with dementia
Positive Physical Approach – to greet a person with dementia consistently use this approach:
- Pause at edge of public space
- Offer your hand and make eye contact
- Approach slowly within visual range
- Shake hands and maintain hand-under-hand
- Move to the side
- Get to eye level and respect personal space
- Wait for acknowledgment
Supportive Communication
Make a connection by offering:
- Your name – “I’m (name) and you are…?”
- A shared background – “I’m from (place) and you’re from…?”
- A positive personal comment – “You look great in that sweater,” or “I love that color on you.”
Support to help them accomplish the task you would like them to do
- Give simple and short information
- Offer concrete choices
- Ask for their help
- Ask the person to TRY
- Break the task down to a single step at a time
Give simple information
- Use visual and verbal cues (gesture and point) – “It’s about time for…,” or “Let’s go this way…,” “Here are your socks…”
- Acknowledge the response/reaction to your info
- Limit your words – keep it simple
- Wait! Be patient
*Remember – Be a Detective, NOT a Judge. Look, Listen, Offer, Think!*
For more information and topics about in-home care, visit
Adapted from Teepa Snow – “It’s All in Your Approach”-training DVD