Susan Johnson

Susan Johnson | Aspen Senior Care
Relations Manager

My love for seniors goes back to my high school years. I got my first job in a nursing home, working after school from 3 pm to 11 pm several days a week. I fell in love with the seniors there! Although it was hard work, I absolutely loved the interaction with them, hearing their stories, and learning about their lives. I loved helping them feel better and cheering them up. I found it funny how I could be in a bad mood going in to work but soon have a whole new, uplifting attitude simply by being around these wonderful seniors. It was such a learning experience for me.

That was just the beginning of what has become a wonderful career serving seniors! I worked for many years as a Personal Care Technician in a hospital and then spent several years working as a CNA with a home health agency when my family lived in Arizona. When we moved to Utah I got a fun job working with special needs children in Payson. It was while I worked there that I came across a tiny ad in the paper calling for caregivers with a new company called Aspen Senior Care. I called and talked with Gary Staples, met for an interview, and was hired shortly afterward. That was over 10 years ago and I have been here ever since! I have loved caring for clients and meeting with new clients and their families to help them find the best services for their needs. I have enjoyed training new caregivers in the “Aspen Way” of caregiving. Being the Relations and Marketing Manager has given me special opportunities to work with others in our community who love seniors and are dedicated to improving their quality of life.

I have a great family that I love to spend time with. Most of my siblings live in this area so when we all get together several times a year with our spouses and children and grandchildren it’s quite a gathering! When I have free time, I love to spend it with my family. I also enjoy gardening, canning, and cooking.